The Archive


This page contains all the categories of photos that are in the Archive. Clicking on the category name will take you to photos in that category. They are the same categories as the ones used in the Exhibition page with the addition of “Other Protests” for those that don’t fit into the main categories. Also there is a category for photos from the 1970s that are not related specifically to a protest, but still related to political action. 



Click on the green category name to see the photos in that category

If you have any comment about a photo such as names of the people in it or wish to share a memory of the event please email us at  

This category has photos of protests against sporting and other contacts with the South Africa during the 1970s. Read more HERE

This category has photos of protest about racism in New Zealand in the 1970s. Read more HERE

This category has photos protesting about state surveillance and laws relating to it enacted in the 1970s. Read more HERE

In the 1960s and 1970s people began to question how the environment was threatened by development. These photos are of protests about damage to the environment. Read more HERE  

In the late 1960s and during the 1970s, protests increased over discrimination faced by gay people. This category has photos of some of those protests. Read more HERE

Photos of protests about high rents, unscrupulous landlords, the shortage of quality rental housing and weak government regulation of housing standards in the 1970s. Read more HERE

This category relates to protests about treatment of citizens of other countries, both in New Zealand and at home. Read more HERE

There were many protests in the 1970s about war, especially the war in Vietnam, and this category has photos of them. Read more HERE

Concern about nuclear weapons resulted in a number of protests, starting in the 1960s. Read more HERE 

The 1970s saw an intensification of the decades-long struggle for Maori control of their lands and other taonga. Photos of protests related to this struggle are in this category. Read more HERE

This category covers protests and industrial action by trade unions which grew in the 1970s. Read more HERE.   

Photos of protest in the 1970s for women’s rights in a number of areas are in this category. Read more HERE 

Photos of protests that do not fall under the above categories are located in here. 

This category has photos of political action during the 1970s that, whilst not being ‘protests’ are important enough to record for posterity in this archive.