Project Newsletters

1970s Protest Photos NZ          UPDATE November 2023

1970s: DECADE OF PROTEST      Book release

We are pleased to announce that a book of the exhibition is being published!

Its 100 pages include the exhibition photographs, text and timelines, and additional photographs.

Copies available from 27 November 2023.

Price $40 + postage $10

Published by Steele Roberts Aotearoa.

Order your copy by emailing Roger Steele:

It will also be for sale at Unity Books.


Our 1970s Protest Photos NZ exhibition will be shown in Palmerston North at Square Edge Community Arts Centre 1-19 May 2024

Covering the themes of the decade: Anti-Apartheid, Housing, Gay Rights, Trade Union action, Racism, Tino Rangatiratanga, Environment, Women’s Rights, Civil Liberties and Peace, the exhibition drew large numbers of all ages when shown in Wellington at Te Auaha Gallery in March this year, so this is a welcome chance for more people to see it.

If you are a Palmerston North local and want to help with the organisation of this exhibition please contact us,, or Dion Martin,

Get in touch if you have photographs of protests in the Manawatu in the 1970s. We also welcome donations towards costs involved in this exhibition.

Pay to 1970S A DECADE OF PROTESTS 38-9023-0743318-00 Put your name and “Square Edge”” as a reference.


Film showing: OHMS Protest: A Celebration of Resistance

This documentary which premiered at DocEdge Festival earlier this year will screen at Lighthouse Cinema Cuba, 29 Wigan Street, Wellington on Monday 27 November at 6.00pm.

6.00pm Free nibbles. (Drinks extra). Film at 6.30 followed by a panel discussion.

To book: Deposit $15 per person in OHMS Reunion Bank Account: 38 9023 0686624 00. Enter your name as a reference and also email Geoff at and Ken Howell at to let them know you have booked in case it is booked out and they need to contact you.

The Organisation to Halt Military Service (OHMS), the New Zealand student-led movement against compulsory military training during the Vietnam War features in the 1970s Protest Photos NZ exhibition. This is a chance to see the film about OHMS made by Anna Cottrell. The $15 entry to the film covers venue hire and a contribution towards developing a cinema version of the film.

The book 1970s : Decade of Protest of the 1970s Protest Photos NZ exhibition (see item one in this update) will be on sale at this screening.



Our website continues to be added to. You can view the whole exhibition including text and timelines on

Take a look at the archive section to see what has been added. There are now 844 photos in the Archive. The website has been visited by 1,460 people. The top 10 countries of origin of the visitors to the site are, in order: New Zealand, United States, Australia, Ireland, Anonymous, United Kingdom, Israel, Canada, Italy and Korea.

We welcome more contributions of protest photos from the 1970s.



We want to acknowledge the death of Tony Larsen in October and pass on condolences to his wife Kay and the rest of his whanau.

Tony, who lived in Wellington, features in one of the exhibition photos leading a march from the front, as usual, and attended the launch of the exhibition in March.

Tony was a staunch advocate for political change since his teenage years. He was a member of Wellington Progressive Youth Movement and advocated for many causes over 50 years. He was also a gifted musician and had strong views on music.

Also with Kay he ran Datastream InstantPrint in Wellington for many years providing printing and design service to many people and political groups at low or no cost

Tony was farewelled at the Aro Valley community hall with korero and waiata earlier this month.

Nga mihi

1970s PROTEST Photos NZ steering group: David Jenkins, Chris Lipscombe, Chris Livesey, Jenny Rouse, Sue Ryall, Roger Steele, Keith Stewart, Paul Tolich, Hilary Watson