Members of the Drivers Union and Seamens Union march to Parliament to present resolutions to the Government. At recent stop-work meetings they had discussed many issues and passed resolutions and decided that a march to Parliament to present those resolutions was important.
Salient- Victoria University student newspaper- published a report on the march on its front page. The report was written by Jack Manson, a VUW truck driver, to the effect that the demonstration was important as the workers do not have access to the media and the Labour government needed to know that, whilst generally supporting Labour, some of its policies they disagreed with. He opinioned that ” it would be a miracle if the Vice Chancellor of Victoria together with the academic staff were to take part in an activity (future protests) and show their concern for their fellow man”. He finished by stating “Perhaps their banner could read “Reduce our salaries by $1000 and give it to the aged and poor of New Zealand”.
Photographer: Keith Stewart