1970s Protest Photos NZ exhibition in Wellington

The 69 protest photographs included in the exhibition provide a glimpse of political action and change during the 1970s in New Zealand. The exhibition also marked the launch of a larger project to establish an online archive of protest photos from the 1970s.


The 1970s Protest Photos NZ Collective believes it is important to record and keep alive information from that decade. Some of us are photographers and most of us were active in social movements in the 1970s. We are collecting photos from the 1970s which will be stored and shared online. This website is the start of that journey.

Where were you in '72?

Exhibition Introduction- an overview of the decade

1972 was a watershed year for politics in New Zealand. After 12 years of government by the conservative National Party, a Labour Government led by Norman Kirk was elected in November 1972. Times were changing—and fast.

Exhibition Categories

Click on a category to read about related protest action in New Zealand and view the exhibition images.



Gil Hanly, John Johnstone, John M Miller, Morrie Peacock, Patricia Sarr, Chris Slater, Keith Stewart, Hilary Watson and Ans Westra.

Permission to reproduce photographs given by Stuff Limited, Ecologic Foundation, and ACORD

Thanks to Te Auaha Gallery www.teauahaevents.com/our-spaces/gallery/ for hosting the exhibition and our Principal Sponsor Light House Cinema  www.lighthousecinema.co.nz/ . 

Thanks also to all those who helped by donating time, skills and money to make the exhibition happen.

We couldn’t have done it without you.